#19 Bake cupcakes

This is number nineteen in our list. We baked Valentines cupcakes for some of our friends. We are going to bring them to school on Monday even though Valentines is on Tuesday, because we don't want the butercream to melt. They are red velvet cupcakes, in top they have pink buttercream with sprinkles and sparklely dust, and they have two attached hearts on top (: We took forever to make them, and to clean -.- but at the end they tasted pretty good :D Ohh and all my kitchen, my computer, our phones and us ended up full of the glittery dust from the cupcakes x) Well 6 things crossed out of the list, 94 more to go...
4/15/2012 01:15:44 am

Awesome! :)

4/15/2012 02:04:03 am

jajaj thank you (:


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